Create a Daily Ritual - Mix & Match

Creating a daily ritual is a powerful way to protect, cleanse, and strengthen your energy field. In this document, you’ll find a comprehensive bundle of exercises that you can use to create your personal ritual. These exercises are divided into four categories: grounding, protective, cleansing, and strengthening exercises. To help you make the right choice, each exercise is subtly marked with a color-coded symbol so you can easily identify which category the exercise belongs to.


I recommend creating a daily ritual that protects and cleanses your energy field. You can start your morning with protective and grounding exercises to ensure you stand strong and are shielded for the day ahead. End your day with cleansing and strengthening exercises to release the day’s energy and prepare yourself for a restful night. By following this daily routine, you will develop a habit of protecting, cleansing, and strengthening yourself.


  • Strengthening exercises promote the growth of your inner power and energy, helping you further develop your qualities and personal strength.

  • Protective exercises create an energetic shield around you, making you more resistant to external influences and better able to guard your boundaries.

  • Grounding exercises anchor your energy in the present moment, allowing you to feel connected to yourself and the Earth. They provide balance and stability in challenging situations.

  • Cleansing exercises help you release old emotions and unwanted energies, creating space for new, positive energy to flow.

Create your own daily ritual with exercises that cleanse, protect, ground, and strengthen your energy. In the table below, you'll find three suggestions per category. Choose the exercises that resonate best with you and adjust them according to your needs. You can also assemble your ritual with exercises from the collection bundles or add your own rituals for a personal touch. Mix & match the exercises and create a ritual that you can practice daily to maintain balance in your energy.

My Daily Ritual - Mix & Match

Grounding / The Tree

The "Tree" grounding exercise is a method to ground yourself. Grounding is a way to connect with the Earth, allowing Earth energy to flow through you. Grounding literally and figuratively places you firmly with both feet on the ground, helping you release tension and recharge with fresh energy. Focus on the hollows beneath your feet (connected to your root chakra) and ensure that both feet are firmly planted on the ground. Then, visualize roots growing from your feet, deep into the Earth, just like a tree. Lift your toes off the ground, extend both arms and fingers, and imagine yourself as a tree standing in the sun.


Through the roots, you release all tension/negativity and draw new strength and energy from the Earth. The sun’s rays recharge your energy; you feel the warmth and absorb the light, allowing your strength to grow. Then, fully relax, feel lighter, and experience the connection with the Earth, sensing how the Earth supports you. Going forward, you only need to visualize to achieve the same result. Lifting your toes is a physical movement you can associate with this task, making it easier and quicker to ground yourself in the future, reinforcing your intentions. Stretching is no longer necessary, which allows you to perform this exercise discreetly and in-between moments.

I Call Myself Back - Mirror Exercise

Stand in front of a mirror and take a deep breath in and out. Look yourself firmly in the eyes and repeat powerfully: "I call myself back." Feel your body from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head, ensuring that you are fully present. This exercise helps you stay grounded in your body, preventing external energies from influencing you. When you're in an overwhelming situation, your mind may tend to escape, causing a disconnection from your body and surroundings. By consciously calling yourself back, you strengthen your connection to your inner power and energy field. You can also perform this exercise without a mirror. By grounding yourself in the here and now, you gain more control over the energies around you.

Grounding Exercise

This grounding exercise can be done with your eyes open or closed. Stand firmly with your feet shoulder-width apart. Relax your shoulders and let your arms hang, while touching the thumb and pinky of both hands together. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply, as this helps calm your mind and ground your energy. During the exercise, your body may naturally begin to sway or move; allow this to happen until you feel firmly grounded and balanced. Open your eyes, exhale, and relax! This exercise is ideal for when you feel out of balance and want to reconnect with the earth and center yourself.


Self-care and taking rest in time are essential for your well-being and for strengthening your energy field. Key elements include healthy nutrition, physical activity, relaxation, and fun. Regularly schedule time for yourself to gain insight into your needs, emotions, and boundaries. Short moments of reflection are crucial for self-awareness and self-love. Setting boundaries and creating space for yourself helps increase self-esteem and reduce stress. Pamper yourself and make time for healthy activities, such as a relaxing bath or hobbies like reading and engaging in creative pursuits. Activities such as mindfulness, meditation, or simply taking a moment to breathe promote a positive mindset and healthy energy flow.

Energetic Space

Begin by literally and figuratively taking up space, being visible, and allowing time for yourself. You are valuable as you are, with the right to claim your space. Your energetic core belongs solely to you and should not be mixed or influenced by others. Make yourself big and say: "I stand firmly in my power and do not share my personal space with others." Visualize a sacred building with a personal space and a hallway, closed off by a sturdy door. People and loved ones should never enter your personal space, even if you love them, only in the hallway for energy exchange. Empty the hallway each night and close the door to protect yourself from external influences and the mixing of energies. Regularly check to ensure the door is securely closed so you remain in your power.

The power of water

The power of water lies in its ability to hold energy and intentions, making it a valuable tool for embracing self-love. Many people struggle with accepting certain aspects of themselves. Fill a glass with water and focus on the loving belief you wish to receive, especially when you feel resistance. As you gaze at the water, imagine this positive belief being infused into the water. This concept is inspired by research on water crystals, which shows that water can hold frequencies. Slowly drink the water and feel the loving energy flow through your body. Saying a prayer over food, as is common in many religions, shares much in common with this principle.

The Protective Power Bubble / Dome

Visualize yourself in a bubble or dome of light, surrounding you from head to toe. In this bubble, you are safe and protected from outside influences. Negative or dark energies will be repelled or dissolve in the light. In contrast, positive energy (light) can enter to strengthen your power bubble. Regularly visualizing a protective bubble around you is one of the most well-known ways to protect yourself. You can always use this practice to close yourself off, especially when you're feeling off balance. When you feel strong in your energy, I recommend practicing the "source of light" exercise, as it feels freer and is more based on your own strength.

Asking for Protection (Universe)

Ask for help from the Universe, God, your guides, ancestors, earth angels, or the source you believe in to support you in protecting and purifying your energy field. This can be done through visualization, prayer, or simply speaking your request out loud. Repeat the intention: "I open my heart to protect and purify my energy field, so that love and light can enter, and all negative energies and influences can be repelled and released." Imagine a powerful energy surrounding you with light, shielding you from negative energies. Place your hands open on your knees or in your lap, and feel the energy flowing through you, while everything you no longer need is released. Tip: Archangel Michael is often called upon for purification and protection. Visualize his blue light enveloping you.

Source of Light

The Source of Light Exercise: Center yourself and visualize that you are made of white or golden light, on which all negativity, unwanted (dark) energies, and tensions dissolve or bounce off. Your own light, or power, is pure and grows stronger and more powerful with every breath in. You can actually feel your energy increasing and expanding with each inhale. The density of your energy grows, pushing out or dissolving other energies. When you are fully in your power, say, "Lower my barriers and expand." With this, you release the protective mechanisms such as walls and masks you have built, and protect yourself entirely based on your own pure strength.


Get comfortable lying down or sitting, and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and out, and focus your attention on your body. Start from your toes and slowly scan upwards to the top of your head, consciously relaxing each body part. When you notice tension or negative energy, visualize a color and shape that you send to that specific area, like a calming blue ball that dissolves pain or tension. Let this color release the negative energy with each exhale, while positive energy increases. Finish the exercise by filling yourself with radiant, positive energy that flows from your feet to the top of your head, embracing your body with love and acceptance. Take a moment to feel this new energy before slowly opening your eyes.

Energy Balls Visualization Exercise

it comfortably and close your eyes. Visualize yourself surrounded by a dome of white light that protects and purifies you. Gaze attentively at your auric field and observe if there are any negative energies present, which you can visualize as black balls within the dome. If you’ve experienced a negative situation or tension, focus on that energy and see where it resides in your auric field, appearing as a ball. Determine the location, size, and weight of the ball; feel whether it feels heavy or light, and whether it moves or remains still. For each ball, ask what it needs to release and let your intuition guide you in choosing a color to send to the ball. Direct that color with the strong intention to transform the energy of the ball and remove it from your field. Repeat this process until you can transform the ball and it disappears from your dome.

This exercise can be used to cleanse your personal energy field, spaces, or as a reflection on specific charged situations.

Shower / Drain Visualization

When you take a shower or bath, you not only cleanse your body but also your aura. As the water flows over you, visualize it washing away negativity, tensions, and problems, letting them drain away into the shower drain. This visualization strengthens your intentions. To enhance the cleansing process, you can wash yourself with sea salt, known for its ability to absorb negative energies, or with an herb blend like sage or rosemary, traditionally used for their purifying properties. Essential oils like eucalyptus or lavender can also help clear your energy field, providing a sense of calm and clarity.


Smudging is a powerful technique to purify negative energies using smoke. Start by choosing an herb bundle, such as sage, palo santo, or rosemary. Light the herbs and allow them to burn, creating a thick smoke. As the smoke spreads, move the bundle in a circular motion around yourself and the space you want to cleanse, always working outward. Visualize the smoke absorbing and transforming all unwanted energies. Don’t forget to reach the corners of the room, where energy can often become stagnant. Finish the practice by safely extinguishing the bundle and grounding your intentions of purification and renewal.

Contact & Connect

Let’s begin our journey together and explore the possibilities of energy, consciousness, development, and manifestation. Do you need help with energetic protection, cleansing your energy field, or are you interested in spiritual guidance and readings? Feel free to reach out with any questions or to schedule a personal appointment!