QuickStart Step-by-Step Plan - Energetic Protection

In this Quickstart, you will discover the core of the theory, along with powerful exercises that you can use right away. You have everything you need to get started quickly. Through the navigation menu, you have access to all the information, while the selected exercises will help you protect and strengthen your energy. The more often you apply these techniques, the stronger your energy field becomes. Start today and give your energy the space to grow!

Get Started Now! Your Step-by-Step Guide for Energetic Protection

1. Energetic Protection

A strong energetic foundation begins with awareness of your own energy and the energies around you. Everything in the universe is made of energy and emits it, both positive and negative. Your personal energy field (aura) acts like a sponge, absorbing influences from the environment, which can either strengthen or burden your well-being. Self-care and personal growth help you strengthen your inner power, making you less sensitive to external influences. By consciously working with energies and actively protecting your aura, you create a safe foundation for strength, harmony, and balance.

Key Aspects:

  • Everything is made of energy and affects our well-being: thoughts, emotions, intentions, love, atmosphere, connections, and even curses and blessings leave energetic imprints that influence our personal energy field.
  • The strength of energy fields varies from person to person; some people are more sensitive to external influences.
  • Energetic protection helps keep unwanted influences at bay and strengthens your own power and balance.
  • Stand in your own power and strengthen your energy by cutting energy cords that unconsciously influence you.
  • A healthy energy exchange is based on a balance between giving and receiving.
  • Connections and your living environment have a direct impact on your energy field.

2. Personal Energy Field

Energy forms the foundation of everything around us and within us. Our personal energy system, with meridians, chakras, and the aura, is constantly interacting with the environment. These influences, whether positive or negative, can affect our well-being depending on what we allow into our energy field. We perceive energy through our senses and intuition, with our intuition often helping us feel subtle and hard-to-explain energies. This helps us distinguish which energies come from ourselves and which come from the environment. This awareness enables us to filter out negative influences and protect our energy field. What is often called magic (or paranormal gifts) is, in fact, the conscious interaction with energies that are harder to explain.

Key Aspects:

  • Intuition helps us recognize subtle energies, allowing us to engage with them more consciously.
  • Learning to distinguish our own energy from that of the environment helps filter out negative influences.
  • External energies affect our aura, depending on what we allow into our energy field.
  • Our aura protects us from external influences and can be actively strengthened.
  • A strong energy field improves our connection with ourselves, protects against negative influences, and enhances our well-being.
  • Fully experiencing your energy field begins with being completely present in the moment by feeling and connecting with yourself, the here and now, and the Earth (Grounding).

Exercise: Grounding to Anchor Your Energy in the Present Moment

Start with grounding exercises to anchor your energy in the present moment, so you feel connected to yourself and the Earth. These exercises promote balance and stability while you become more aware of your own energy and strength.

Option 1: The Tree Exercise

Grounding "the tree" exercise is a method to ground yourself. Grounding is a way to connect with the Earth, allowing Earth energy to flow through you. Grounding literally and figuratively places you firmly on the ground, allowing you to release tension and recharge with fresh energy. Focus on the hollows beneath your feet (connected to your first chakra) and ensure both feet are firmly planted on the ground. Then, visualize roots growing from your feet, deep into the Earth, just like a tree. Lift your toes off the ground while stretching your arms and fingers out, imagining yourself as a tree standing in the sun.

Through the roots, release all tension and negativity, and absorb new strength and energy from the Earth. Feel the sunlight charging your energy, the warmth filling you, and the light nourishing you, making your strength grow. Then relax completely, feeling lighter as you experience the contact with the Earth. Feel how the Earth supports you. From here on, simply visualizing this will help you achieve the same result. Lifting your toes is a physical movement that can be tied to this practice to help you ground yourself more easily and quickly in the future, adding power to your intentions. The stretching is no longer necessary, allowing you to practice this exercise subtly and anytime, even in the midst of other activities.

Option 2: I Call Myself Back - Mirror Exercise

I Call Myself Back - Mirror Exercise: Stand in front of a mirror and take deep breaths in and out. Look yourself straight in the eyes and firmly repeat: "I call myself back." Feel your body from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head, ensuring you are fully present. This exercise helps you stay in your body, preventing external energies from affecting you. In overwhelming situations, your mind may have a tendency to escape, leading to a disconnection from your body and surroundings. By consciously calling yourself back, you strengthen your connection to your inner power and energy field. You can also perform this exercise without a mirror. By grounding yourself in the here and now, you gain more control over the energies around you.

Option 3: Grounding Exercise

Grounding Exercise to Enhance Balance and Stability. You can perform this exercise with your eyes either open or closed. Stand firmly with your feet shoulder-width apart. Relax your shoulders and let your arms hang down, while the thumb and pinky of both hands touch each other. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply; this helps calm your mind and ground you. During the exercise, your body may naturally begin to sway or move—let this happen until you feel steady and balanced. Open your eyes, exhale, and relax! This exercise is perfect when you feel off-balance and want to reconnect with the earth and center yourself.

3. Strengthening the Energy Field

Strengthening and protecting your aura begins with creating a safe foundation. Your aura functions as a shield that absorbs and radiates energies, but its strength varies from person to person. A balance between protection and receptivity is essential for enhancing your energy field. Self-care, awareness, self-healing, and self-love strengthen your aura, which reflects the energy of your inner state and attracts energy that resonates with it. The power of energy fields is both innate and can be enhanced, with awareness and self-love being crucial to ward off negative influences. Releasing limiting energies and embracing your true self offers the strongest protection for your energy field.

The Power of the Personal Energy Field:

  • Protected Aura Field (A): A well-shielded aura field prevents negative energies from affecting you. However, if the shielding is too strong, it may also block positive energies from entering.

  • Strong/Powerful Aura Field (B): This field offers protection from negative influences while remaining open to positive energies. The effectiveness of this protection depends on your inner strength.

  • Weak Aura Field (C): A weak aura field is sensitive to external influences, depletes more quickly, and allows external energies (both negative and positive) to enter more easily.

  • Open Aura Field (D): The energies in the surrounding environment blend with your own, making it difficult to distinguish your energy from others.

TIP:  Begin by sealing and protecting your aura (dome). As your personal strength grows, you can gradually open up to positive energies and transition to a powerful aura field (source of light).

Exercise: Strengthening Your Energy Field to Increase Inner Power

Increase your inner power by embracing stability, self-love, self-confidence, positivity, and authenticity. This strengthens your aura, raises your vibration, and attracts positive influences that resonate with your energy.

Option 1: Self-Care

Self-care and taking time to rest are essential for your well-being and strengthening your energy field. Key elements include healthy nutrition, physical exercise, relaxation, and enjoyment. Regularly schedule time for yourself to gain insight into your needs, emotions, and boundaries. Short moments of reflection are crucial for self-awareness and self-love. Setting boundaries and creating space for yourself helps to increase your self-esteem and reduce stress. Pamper yourself and make time for healthy activities, such as a relaxing bath or hobbies like reading and being creative. Activities like mindfulness, meditation, or simply taking a moment to breathe promote a positive mindset and healthy energy flow.

Option 2: Energetic Space Exercise

Start by literally and figuratively claiming your space, making yourself visible, and taking time for yourself. You are valuable as you are, with the right to take up your space. Your energetic core belongs only to you and should not be mixed or influenced by others. Make yourself big and say, “I stand firmly in my power and do not share my personal space with others.” Visualize a sacred building with your personal space and a hallway, closed off by a strong door. People and loved ones should never enter your personal space, even if you love them—only in the hallway for energy exchange. Empty the hallway every evening and close the door to protect yourself from external influences and the mixing of energies. Regularly check that the door is tightly closed to ensure you stay in your power.

Option 3: The Power of Water Exercise

The power of water lies in its ability to hold energy and intentions, making it a valuable tool for embracing self-love. Many people struggle with accepting certain aspects of themselves. Fill a glass with water and focus on the loving belief you wish to receive, especially when you feel resistance. As you look at the water, imagine this positive belief being infused into the water. This concept is inspired by research on water crystals, which shows that water can hold frequencies. Slowly drink the water and feel the loving energy flow through your body. Praying before meals, as commonly practiced in many religions, shares many similarities with this principle.

Oefening: Bescherming om je energieveld af te schermen

Protect your energy field from unwanted influences and negative energies. These protective exercises strengthen your aura, create a protective barrier, and help you stay balanced, regardless of external influences.

Option 1: Power Bubble / Dome Exercise

Protective power bubble or dome: Visualize yourself inside a bubble or dome of light that surrounds you from head to toe. In this bubble, you are safe and protected from external influences. Negative or dark energies will be deflected or dissolve into the light. Positive energy (light), on the other hand, is allowed to enter, strengthening your power bubble. Regularly visualizing a protective bubble around you is one of the (most well-known) ways to protect yourself. You can apply this exercise anytime you need to close yourself off, especially when you're feeling off balance. When you stand strong in your energy, I recommend using the "source of light" exercise, as it feels freer and more focused on your own strength.

Option 2: Asking for Help (Universe)

Ask for help from the Universe, God, your guides, ancestors, earth angels, or the source you believe in to support you in protecting and purifying your energy field. This can be done through visualization, prayer, or simply speaking your request out loud. Repeat the intention: "I open my heart to protect and purify my energy field, so that love and light may enter, and all negative energies and influences are deflected and released." Imagine a powerful energy surrounding you with light, shielding you from negative energies. Place your hands open on your knees or in your lap and feel the energy flowing through you as everything you no longer need is released. Tip: Archangel Michael is often called upon for purification and protection, imagine his blue light surrounding you.

Option 3: Source of Light Exercise

The Source of Light Exercise: Center yourself and visualize that you are made of white or golden light, upon which all negativity, unwanted (dark) energies, and tensions dissolve or deflect. Your own light, or power, is pure and grows stronger with each inhale. With every breath, you can feel your own energy increasing and expanding. The density of your energy grows, pushing other energies outward or dissolving them. When you are fully in your power, say: "Lower my barriers and expand." By doing so, you release the protective mechanisms such as walls and masks you've built, and fully protect yourself based on your own pure power.

4. Cleansing Energy Fields

Cleansing your energy field and environment is essential for removing negative influences, making room for positive energy, and raising your vibration. Negative energies can attach themselves due to unresolved emotions or limiting beliefs that resonate with obstructive energies. The cleansing process creates space for positive energy and increases your vibration. The power of intention is key in this process. It is important to emotionally, mentally, and spiritually align with the change, and be willing to release everything that no longer serves your highest good. Self-healing plays a crucial role, as limiting energies more easily attach to the parts of yourself where you are not in your power.

Key Aspects:

  • Important: Fear is one of the most powerful sources of negative energies and/or entities. Trust in your strength and feel safe during a cleansing. If needed, seek help!
  • You are always stronger than external influences or energies, as long as you stand in your own power.
  • Self-healing is crucial: Releasing limiting beliefs and unresolved emotions restores your energy field, as obstructive energies attach to imbalance and disturbed parts of yourself.
  • Cleansing removes negative influences and blockages, allowing the energy to flow freely again. This creates space for positive energy and raises your vibration.
  • In a cleansing, everything revolves around the power of your intention, where feelings, thoughts, focus, and words come together to transform energy.

Exercise: Cleansing Your Energy Field to Restore Balance

These exercises help you release trapped emotions, negative influences, and old energies. They create space for positive energy and prevent external influences or unhealthy patterns from taking hold of you.

Option 1: Body Scan Exercise

Lie down or sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and out, and focus your attention on your body. Start at your toes and slowly scan upwards to the crown of your head, consciously relaxing each body part. When you notice tension or negative energy, visualize a color and shape that you direct toward that specific area, such as a calm blue sphere dissolving pain or tension. Let this color release the negative energy with each exhale, while positive energy increases. End the exercise by filling yourself with radiant, positive energy that flows from your feet to your crown, embracing your body with love and acceptance. Take a moment to feel this new energy before slowly opening your eyes.

Option 2: Visualization of Energy Balls Exercise

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Visualize yourself surrounded by a dome of white light that protects and purifies you. Focus on your auric field and observe if there are any negative energies present, which you can visualize as black balls within the dome. If you’ve experienced a negative situation or tension, focus on that energy and note where it appears as a ball in your auric field. Determine the location, size, and weight of the ball; feel whether it is heavy or light and whether it moves or remains still. Ask each ball what it needs in order to release, and let your intuition guide you in choosing a color to direct toward the ball. Send this color with the strong intention of transforming the energy of the ball and removing it from your field. Repeat this process until the ball transforms and disappears from your dome. You can use this exercise to cleanse your personal energy field, clear spaces, or reflect on specific charged situations.

Option 3: Shower / Drain Visualization Exercise

When you take a shower or bath, you not only cleanse your body but also your aura. As the water flows over you, imagine that it is washing away negativity, tension, and any issues you may be carrying, sending them down the drain. This visualization strengthens your intentions. To enhance the cleansing process, you can wash yourself with sea salt, which is known for its ability to absorb negative energies, or use an herbal mix like sage or rosemary, which are traditionally used for their purifying properties. Essential oils such as eucalyptus or lavender can also help purify your energy field, bringing a sense of peace and clarity.

Option 4 : Smudging

Smudging is a powerful technique to cleanse negative energies using smoke. Begin by selecting a bundle of herbs, such as sage, palo santo, or rosemary. Light the herbs and let them burn well, creating a thick smoke. As the smoke spreads, move the bundle in a circle around yourself and the space you wish to purify, always working outward. Visualize the smoke absorbing and transforming all unwanted energies. Be sure to reach the corners of the room, where energy often becomes stagnant. End the exercise by safely extinguishing the bundle and grounding your intentions for cleansing and renewal.

5. Healthy Energy Exchange

Energy exchange happens constantly in our interactions with others, where we give and receive energy through our auric fields. Healthy exchange occurs when both parties are in balance and personal boundaries are respected. Energetic cords are formed when we attach or connect to others, leading to a continuous exchange of energy, even at a distance, unless we consciously or unconsciously cut the connection. Unhealthy exchanges can lead to exhaustion and loss of strength, while positive energy strengthens and replenishes us, and negative energy weakens us.

Key Aspects:

  • Energy exchange happens constantly, both consciously and unconsciously.
  • Positive energy strengthens and revitalizes us, while negative energy weakens us.
  • Energetic cords are created by attachment and connection, leading to continuous energy exchange,
    even at a distance.
  • Setting boundaries is essential to protect your energy field.
  • Balance in giving and receiving is crucial for healthy energy exchange.
  • Interactions reflect your self-image: how you feel, how you see yourself, and the energy you radiate to others.

Here are seven scenarios of energy exchange between two people, with an explanation of the strength and protection of the aura fields and their mutual influence. The images show how the dynamics of energy exchange can affect each other.

Exercise: Healthy Energy Exchange in Relationships and Connections

Be aware of what you are radiating. Restore and strengthen the balance between giving and receiving in relationships. This exercise helps you set energetic boundaries so you can maintain positive energy and create a healthy exchange.

Option 1: Self-Reflection

Applying self-reflection to strengthen and protect your aura starts with examining your own role in energy exchanges. Take a moment to reflect on the patterns you attract and why you allow certain energies into your life. Often, this stems from unconscious behaviors such as not setting boundaries, a desire to please, or a lack of self-worth. By becoming aware of these patterns, you can adjust your own energy and actions to attract healthier energy exchanges. A helpful way to gain more insight is by using a self-reflection questionnaire, which helps you explore which behaviors and beliefs influence your energy field.

Option 2: NOT Giving to Get – Open to Receive

Sit comfortably and take deep breaths in and out. Visualize a gentle flow of energy between you and the other person. Say to yourself: "I give from my heart, without expectation, and I am open to receiving." Release the need to control the outcome and trust the natural flow of energy. Accept compliments or help without resistance, without feeling the need to return anything or say something in return. Let go of your own ideas, allowing for a sincere balance to form. Avoid directing your communication or behavior to achieve a specific result, and instead let yourself be guided by your feelings. This will allow the interaction to grow authentically. There are also meditations available for "Open to Receive" to deepen this experience.

Option 3: Returning Energy to the Original Sender

Returning energy to the original sender: It may happen that a difficult situation, feeling, pain, or mood from someone else (unconsciously) gets projected onto you. You then take on that energy, and it often arises unexpectedly. Suddenly, you may experience a mood change or an uncomfortable feeling that occupies your thoughts and emotions. If you notice such a feeling overtaking you, you can return it to the original sender. Visualize or express the intention: "I send this energy back to the original sender," allowing you to release the energy. In this way, the energy returns to the person who can deal with it. Remember that energy can be passed through multiple people, so it’s important to always send it back to the source.

Option 4: Mirror Exercise

Mirror Exercise: If the energy of a person around you feels particularly persistent, try visualizing a mirror between you and the source/person radiating negativity. This mirror is positioned in such a way that the person can see themselves, reflecting back the negative vibrations they are emitting. This can unconsciously compel the person to face themselves and become aware of their own energy. This exercise helps protect your own energy and may influence the behavior of the other person, especially when unconscious reactions bring their deep-rooted patterns to the surface. In this way, you prevent low vibrations from traveling further or reaching you. Don't forget to remove the mirror once you're done, creating space and peace.

6. Energy Cords

Energetic cords connect us energetically with others and facilitate the exchange of energy and emotions, often unconsciously. These connections can be either positive or negative. Recognizing a negative energy cord is essential for reclaiming your own power. By breaking the cord, you free yourself from unconscious influences picked up from others and restore your energy field. Everyone is responsible for their own energy field, and there is no need to feel guilty about breaking an energy cord—it is a healthy foundation based on your own strength. Breaking an energy cord protects you from unconscious energetic influence without losing the real-life connection.

Key Aspects:

  • Energetic cords form when we consciously or unconsciously connect to someone else’s energy field, typically through an emotional or energetic bond.
  • Recognizing energy cords begins with becoming aware of your own energy so you can notice when your energy is being influenced. This helps you identify who or what is exerting that influence.
  • The energy exchange through energetic cords can have both positive and negative effects, and it can occur at a distance or remain persistent over time until the connection is severed.
  • Negative energy exchanges through cords, whether conscious or unconscious, can lead to exhaustion, confusion, or experiencing emotions that don't feel like your own.
  • Breaking an energetic cord creates space to reclaim your own energy and power. This may cause an energy shift in both individuals.
  • A clear intention is key to energetically letting go of the connection without guilt. Everyone is responsible for their own energy.

Step-by-Step Guide: Breaking Energetic Cords

Start today to break unwanted energy cords and experience the liberating power of your own energy and a healthy energetic balance!

Step-by-Step Process for Breaking Energy Cords

  1. Strengthen and Protect Your Personal Energy Field Take a few moments to center yourself. Visualize a protective light surrounding you, strengthening your energy field. This will help you stand in your power and resist unwanted influences.

  2. Identify the Cord Reflect on relationships or situations that negatively affect you. Pay attention to who or what regularly comes to mind without clear reason.

  3. Set a Clear Intention Decide what you want to release and state your intention clearly. For example: "I release this unhealthy connection."

  4. Create a Safe Space Take time for meditation or use cleansing rituals, such as burning sage, to protect and center yourself.

  5. Visualize the Connection Close your eyes and imagine the energetic cord as a visible entity. Visualize it being completely pulled out of your energy field.

  6. Affirm the Break Speak aloud or in your mind: "I break this connection with love and light." Repeat positive affirmations like "I am free from unwanted energy."

  7. Feel the Changes Take time to feel the emotional and physical shifts. Be aware of feelings of liberation or any other fluctuations.

  8. Support Yourself Continue applying affirmations that strengthen your inner power and protection, both in the present and moving forward.

  9. Reflect and Adjust Give yourself time to heal and reflect on the changes in your energy and relationships.

7. Positive Living Environment

The energies of people, emotions, and tensions can linger in a space, affecting its atmosphere. A layout that contributes to a harmonious energy flow can help create balance and peace, neutralizing negativity. Everything around us, from furniture to scents and sounds, emits energy that directly influences our environment and experience. By carefully choosing elements that enhance the function of the space, we can create a vibe or atmosphere that helps us achieve our goals and intentions. A well-designed, harmonious space has a powerful positive impact on our well-being.

Key Aspects:

  • Everything in our environment, from furniture to sounds and smells, emits energy that influences the atmosphere of our living space. We absorb this energy, which directly affects our well-being.
  • A layout that supports the function of the space creates the right energy and promotes the desired atmosphere.
  • A pleasant, safe environment attracts positive energy and promotes calm and harmony.
  • Feng Shui is an ancient philosophy that offers valuable energetic insights for creating a pleasant living environment by properly aligning furniture and elements in a space.
  • Scents, colors, sounds, objects, temperature, and symbolism influence the energetic frequency of a room and impact how we feel and function.
  • Neutralizing design: Emotions and events sometimes leave energetic traces in a space. By decorating the space with calming colors, harmony symbols, or plants, this energy can be positively influenced.

Learn more about Feng Shui and how to create positive energy in your spaces.
The first two pages provide basic information and an in-depth look at the Bagua for advanced learners, while the other two pages offer practical tips you can immediately apply to your interior and different rooms.

8. Energetic Rituals

A ritual amplifies the power of your intentions. By practicing rituals daily, you develop a powerful habit that keeps your energy field balanced, sheds negative influences, and increases awareness of external energies. Start your day with grounding and protective rituals to stabilize your energy field and keep negative forces at bay. Throughout the day, engage in strengthening rituals to foster your inner power and self-development, attracting more positivity. End the day with purifying rituals to release negative energy before sleep. By applying these rituals daily, you maintain balance and strengthen your energy field.

Key Aspects:

  • Your intentions are central to rituals, and the power of repetition amplifies the energy surrounding your goals.
  • Add elements to your ritual that represent and further enhance the desired energies, such as symbols, herbs, crystals, or other items that resonate with the energy you wish to attract.
  • Grounding rituals anchor your energy in the present moment, protective rituals create a shield against negative influences, strengthening rituals support your inner power, and purifying rituals help release old energies.
  • Rituals increase your awareness of your own energy and help you identify external influences, enabling a quicker response to negative energies.
  • Rituals don’t need to be complex; they should be achievable, even on days when you feel less powerful.

Dagelijks Ritueel Samenstellen
Stel een ritueel samen dat je energie in balans houdt door oefeningen te kiezen die je gronden (rood), versterken (geel), beschermen (groen) en zuiveren (blauw). Hier zijn drie suggesties per categorie, die je kunt aanpassen aan je persoonlijke behoeften. Je kunt oefeningen uit de uitgebreide oefenbundels of je eigen favoriete oefeningen toevoegen om je ritueel verder uit te breiden.

Grounding / The Tree

The "Tree" grounding exercise is a method to ground yourself. Grounding is a way to connect with the Earth, allowing Earth energy to flow through you. Grounding literally and figuratively places you firmly with both feet on the ground, helping you release tension and recharge with fresh energy. Focus on the hollows beneath your feet (connected to your root chakra) and ensure that both feet are firmly planted on the ground. Then, visualize roots growing from your feet, deep into the Earth, just like a tree. Lift your toes off the ground, extend both arms and fingers, and imagine yourself as a tree standing in the sun.


Through the roots, you release all tension/negativity and draw new strength and energy from the Earth. The sun’s rays recharge your energy; you feel the warmth and absorb the light, allowing your strength to grow. Then, fully relax, feel lighter, and experience the connection with the Earth, sensing how the Earth supports you. Going forward, you only need to visualize to achieve the same result. Lifting your toes is a physical movement you can associate with this task, making it easier and quicker to ground yourself in the future, reinforcing your intentions. Stretching is no longer necessary, which allows you to perform this exercise discreetly and in-between moments.

I Call Myself Back - Mirror Exercise

Stand in front of a mirror and take a deep breath in and out. Look yourself firmly in the eyes and repeat powerfully: "I call myself back." Feel your body from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head, ensuring that you are fully present. This exercise helps you stay grounded in your body, preventing external energies from influencing you. When you're in an overwhelming situation, your mind may tend to escape, causing a disconnection from your body and surroundings. By consciously calling yourself back, you strengthen your connection to your inner power and energy field. You can also perform this exercise without a mirror. By grounding yourself in the here and now, you gain more control over the energies around you.

Grounding Exercise

This grounding exercise can be done with your eyes open or closed. Stand firmly with your feet shoulder-width apart. Relax your shoulders and let your arms hang, while touching the thumb and pinky of both hands together. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply, as this helps calm your mind and ground your energy. During the exercise, your body may naturally begin to sway or move; allow this to happen until you feel firmly grounded and balanced. Open your eyes, exhale, and relax! This exercise is ideal for when you feel out of balance and want to reconnect with the earth and center yourself.


Self-care and taking rest in time are essential for your well-being and for strengthening your energy field. Key elements include healthy nutrition, physical activity, relaxation, and fun. Regularly schedule time for yourself to gain insight into your needs, emotions, and boundaries. Short moments of reflection are crucial for self-awareness and self-love. Setting boundaries and creating space for yourself helps increase self-esteem and reduce stress. Pamper yourself and make time for healthy activities, such as a relaxing bath or hobbies like reading and engaging in creative pursuits. Activities such as mindfulness, meditation, or simply taking a moment to breathe promote a positive mindset and healthy energy flow.

Energetic Space

Begin by literally and figuratively taking up space, being visible, and allowing time for yourself. You are valuable as you are, with the right to claim your space. Your energetic core belongs solely to you and should not be mixed or influenced by others. Make yourself big and say: "I stand firmly in my power and do not share my personal space with others." Visualize a sacred building with a personal space and a hallway, closed off by a sturdy door. People and loved ones should never enter your personal space, even if you love them, only in the hallway for energy exchange. Empty the hallway each night and close the door to protect yourself from external influences and the mixing of energies. Regularly check to ensure the door is securely closed so you remain in your power.

The power of water

The power of water lies in its ability to hold energy and intentions, making it a valuable tool for embracing self-love. Many people struggle with accepting certain aspects of themselves. Fill a glass with water and focus on the loving belief you wish to receive, especially when you feel resistance. As you gaze at the water, imagine this positive belief being infused into the water. This concept is inspired by research on water crystals, which shows that water can hold frequencies. Slowly drink the water and feel the loving energy flow through your body. Saying a prayer over food, as is common in many religions, shares much in common with this principle.

The Protective Power Bubble / Dome

Visualize yourself in a bubble or dome of light, surrounding you from head to toe. In this bubble, you are safe and protected from outside influences. Negative or dark energies will be repelled or dissolve in the light. In contrast, positive energy (light) can enter to strengthen your power bubble. Regularly visualizing a protective bubble around you is one of the most well-known ways to protect yourself. You can always use this practice to close yourself off, especially when you're feeling off balance. When you feel strong in your energy, I recommend practicing the "source of light" exercise, as it feels freer and is more based on your own strength.

Asking for Protection (Universe)

Ask for help from the Universe, God, your guides, ancestors, earth angels, or the source you believe in to support you in protecting and purifying your energy field. This can be done through visualization, prayer, or simply speaking your request out loud. Repeat the intention: "I open my heart to protect and purify my energy field, so that love and light can enter, and all negative energies and influences can be repelled and released." Imagine a powerful energy surrounding you with light, shielding you from negative energies. Place your hands open on your knees or in your lap, and feel the energy flowing through you, while everything you no longer need is released. Tip: Archangel Michael is often called upon for purification and protection. Visualize his blue light enveloping you.

Source of Light

The Source of Light Exercise: Center yourself and visualize that you are made of white or golden light, on which all negativity, unwanted (dark) energies, and tensions dissolve or bounce off. Your own light, or power, is pure and grows stronger and more powerful with every breath in. You can actually feel your energy increasing and expanding with each inhale. The density of your energy grows, pushing out or dissolving other energies. When you are fully in your power, say, "Lower my barriers and expand." With this, you release the protective mechanisms such as walls and masks you have built, and protect yourself entirely based on your own pure strength.


Get comfortable lying down or sitting, and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and out, and focus your attention on your body. Start from your toes and slowly scan upwards to the top of your head, consciously relaxing each body part. When you notice tension or negative energy, visualize a color and shape that you send to that specific area, like a calming blue ball that dissolves pain or tension. Let this color release the negative energy with each exhale, while positive energy increases. Finish the exercise by filling yourself with radiant, positive energy that flows from your feet to the top of your head, embracing your body with love and acceptance. Take a moment to feel this new energy before slowly opening your eyes.

Energy Balls Visualization Exercise

it comfortably and close your eyes. Visualize yourself surrounded by a dome of white light that protects and purifies you. Gaze attentively at your auric field and observe if there are any negative energies present, which you can visualize as black balls within the dome. If you’ve experienced a negative situation or tension, focus on that energy and see where it resides in your auric field, appearing as a ball. Determine the location, size, and weight of the ball; feel whether it feels heavy or light, and whether it moves or remains still. For each ball, ask what it needs to release and let your intuition guide you in choosing a color to send to the ball. Direct that color with the strong intention to transform the energy of the ball and remove it from your field. Repeat this process until you can transform the ball and it disappears from your dome.

This exercise can be used to cleanse your personal energy field, spaces, or as a reflection on specific charged situations.

Shower / Drain Visualization

When you take a shower or bath, you not only cleanse your body but also your aura. As the water flows over you, visualize it washing away negativity, tensions, and problems, letting them drain away into the shower drain. This visualization strengthens your intentions. To enhance the cleansing process, you can wash yourself with sea salt, known for its ability to absorb negative energies, or with an herb blend like sage or rosemary, traditionally used for their purifying properties. Essential oils like eucalyptus or lavender can also help clear your energy field, providing a sense of calm and clarity.


Smudging is a powerful technique to purify negative energies using smoke. Start by choosing an herb bundle, such as sage, palo santo, or rosemary. Light the herbs and allow them to burn, creating a thick smoke. As the smoke spreads, move the bundle in a circular motion around yourself and the space you want to cleanse, always working outward. Visualize the smoke absorbing and transforming all unwanted energies. Don’t forget to reach the corners of the room, where energy can often become stagnant. Finish the practice by safely extinguishing the bundle and grounding your intentions of purification and renewal.

9. Congratulations, you’ve completed the energetic protection step-by-step guide!

With the fundamentals you’ve finished, you’re well on your way to protecting and strengthening your energy field. The more often you apply these techniques, the more powerful their effects will be in your daily routine!

For further depth and insights, you can download the complete handbook, including exercise bundles with additional techniques that can help you. Take your time to read through the information and discover how you can protect, strengthen, and cleanse your energy. Additionally, I offer support for those who need extra assistance. If you're feeling stuck or want guidance in strengthening your energy field, protecting against negative influences, or restoring balance, I offer Reiki treatments, spiritual coaching, and tailored guidance. Feel free to get in touch for more information or if you'd like to collaborate on your personal energetic growth.

Want to continue your development?
Explore our extensive collection of over 50 exercises, divided into different themes. These exercises will help you strengthen your energy field, promote healthy energy exchanges, and cleanse your energy.

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Let’s begin our journey together and explore the possibilities of energy, consciousness, development, and manifestation. Do you need help with energetic protection, cleansing your energy field, or are you interested in spiritual guidance and readings? Feel free to reach out with any questions or to schedule a personal appointment!